Our Courses
Courses &
Certificate students follow a weekly schedule which thoughtfully guides them through a variety of topics and includes interaction with SEIC’s top-tier faculty as well as fellow students.

Intersection of Sport and Entertainment Philanthropy
Topics & Objectives
Review the history of the field
Understand how the two industries have been tied together
Consider where the industry is headed and opportunities for cross-collaboration

Delivering on Your Mission
Topics & Objectives
Identify a systematic approach to delivering on organizational mission
Assess readiness of an organization to embark on a new programmatic initiative
Describe the importance of assessing program alignment and outcomes

Strategic Planning
Topics & Objectives
Recognize barriers to engaging in strategic planning and how to increase the chances of a successful process
Understand the key components of the strategic plan
Develop techniques to implement the plan and make it a “living” document

Deeper Dive: Defining Your Purpose
Topics & Objectives
Compare methods for deciding on and operating to an organizational purpose
Explore tools for developing organizational focus

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Topics & Objectives
How to define diversity, equity, inclusion and equality
Be able to identify instances of cultural, institutional, and personal bias.
Better understand how DEI assessments and/or tools can support you in advancing equity and inclusion in your organization.

Internal Communication & Motivation
Topics & Objectives
Identify the key groups of stakeholders on your “team” and the best strategies for effectively communicating with each group
Demonstrate your ability to leverage internal stakeholders and motivate your team to achieve the mission of your organization

Successful Partnerships
Topics & Objectives
Understand the elements of a successful partnership
Pinpoint best strategies for entering/exiting partnerships
Identify ways to measure a successful partnership

Topics & Objectives
Discover trends in collaboration
Develop creative and innovative partnerships
Validate cross-sector collaboration

Telling Your Story
Topics & Objectives
Identify new storytelling ideas for your organization and for your own personal brand
Recognize successful messaging to achieve attention and engagement in a saturated market
Develop approaches to deliver your message to different audiences
Discover trends and innovative opportunities to tell your story
Fundraising & Development
Topics & Objectives
Illustrate how the stages of solicitation affect your fundraising planning and strategies
Connect fundraising with all areas of your organization
Give examples of how your organization measures impact

Deeper Dive: Impact
Topics & Objectives
Justify streamlining your investment strategy vs. small contributions to multiple causes
Discover why making a large impact in one area is highly effective for decision-making, internal alignment and resource allocation
Weigh benefits of scaling your programming

Monitoring and Evaluation
Topics & Objectives
Describe & compare differences between monitoring and evaluating
Recognize why M&E are critical parts of program planning & execution
Discover different types of information can be used to make decisions about tweaks “on the fly” and long-term strategic improvements
Identify audiences for your findings

Board Development
Topics & Objectives
​Identify responsibilities of a non-profit board
Recruit a non-profit board & distinguish member committees
Discover trends in board governance
Analyze board demographics and board culture

Legal Compliance
Topics & Objectives
Recognize potential legal risks, and identify when you need to do further research
Explore various non-profit models found in the sports industry
Develop a sports event with the proper contractual protections
Understand how the tax code applies to sports galas and swag
Develop an understanding of the law and confidence about how to operate in its bounds
Analyze the impact of laws and regulations on the function of non-profits

Emerging Trends
Topics & Objectives
Develop greater awareness and understanding of the emerging trends in Sports & Entertainment Impact
Consider new technologies, resources and best practices that directly impact your organization
Understand your options for how to adapt and/or maintain your mission amidst emerging trends

Leading with Confidence
Topics & Objectives
Assess your own leadership strengths and opportunities
Bolster your confidence as a authentic, powerful leader in sports and entertainment impact and beyond
The Sports & Entertainment Impact Collective is fiscally sponsored by the Edward Charles Foundation (ECF) tax ID # 26-4245043. ECF's fiscal sponsorship services allow SEIC to bring our students, faculty and corporate partners a best in class academic experience. As a leader in the sports and entertainment impact space, ECF brings credibility and a powerful network to the SEIC community.